Hello, how are you all?
Here You'll find the Rules, If you do not follow them, then you will be banned.
(This post was last modified: 14-11-2022, 02:15 AM by sam.)
Here You'll find the Rules, If you do not follow them, then you will be banned.
- Be civil and respect everyone.
- No Racism, Sexism, Transphobia, Homophobia, Hate Speech, Harassment, etc. (This should be obvious, but apparently not)
- No spam or self-promotion without permission from a staff member. This includes DMing fellow members.
- No NSFW or obscene content. This includes text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence, or other graphically disturbing content. It will not be tolerated at all.
- Staff get final say on all matters, and if the admins can not make a decision on something Lucifer will have the final say.